Many people wonder about the difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery. the simple answer is that cosmetic surgery is a type of plastic surgery, and plastic surgery encompasses both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. plastic surgery is the process of reconstructing or repairing parts of the body by the transfer of tissue, either in the treatment of injury or for cosmetic reason. cometic surgery is done to improve a person's appearance, self esteem and self confidence.

Why do people choose for cosmetic procedures? It includes more than just improving one's beauty. There are numerous explanations, ranging from the most obvious to the most unexpected.


Young adults frequently claim that they would never get cosmetic surgery. They eventually have a change of heart after seeing wrinkles and drooping skin in the mirror.


Despite being youthful and healthy, your life is terrible because of your large nose. Dealing with a particular feature is a common additional justification for surgery. Big ears that seem to protrude, small breasts, or sagging eyelids are a few examples.

 Stretch marks and scars

People may feel self-conscious about their bodies when they have unsightly scars on their bodies as a result of accidents and other surgeries. Stretch marks can be significant enough to preclude a woman from wearing some types of clothing, which is also the case.

However, despite the potential benefits of plastic surgery, none of these things—your life, your difficulties, or problems in your relationships—will be resolved by the procedure. The fact that physical perfection does not exist should also be recognized.

Plastic surgery might provide some people with the chance to correct a perceived fault that has bothered them for a long time.

The condition known as body dysmorphic disorder, however, can affect persons who excessively perceive flaws in themselves (BDD).

1 Obsessive preoccupation on an alleged physical imperfection is the defining feature of this psychological condition. 1.7% to 2.4% of the population overall are impacted by it.

2.People who have BDD frequently seek out many plastic surgery treatments and are typically dissatisfied with the outcomes. Surgery on patients with BDD may occasionally be refused by plastic surgeons.